PIBTERM is another terminal that will work with CONDOR.SYS and the version I tested it on is from 1987! Gee see how hard it would be for those big gun terms to support CONDOR?! Give me a break! PIBTERM can be downloaded from The Online Galleria 205-837-1681 v.32bis How to get CONDOR.SYS to work with PIBTERM: 1. Install CONDOR.SYS put a line like device=condor.sys in your config.sys file and delete any other line in the config.sys that loads any other ansi.sys then reboot. 2. Configure PIBTERM to 8 data bits, NO parity, and 1 stop bit. 3. From PIBTERM type ALT-P select terminal emulation then set terminal type to DUMB, in that same menu set also option 'm' DOS console output to YES. Hit esc and select WRITE settings to disk. You might want to rerun PIBTERM to make sure the settings load in. 4. Doesn't work? Just double check the settings and make sure they are what I said. I tried this with PIBTERM402. It may have some minor problems because of the screen mode switching, I'm hoping it won't be to bad, I only tested Condor with PIBTerm for a short while. If you don't like PIBTerm you might want to try COM-AND or BIG103, RCOMM and IL tsr terms work with CONDOR too.